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View AllBefore building your site, better take a look
Supposed to be commonly asked issues & questions
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You can control the theme's functionality and customize
We adding here solutions on regarding some common
----- 1.2 (08 January 2018) ------ Fixed: Sticky
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View AllBefore building your site, better take a look
Supposed to be commonly asked issues, questions &
Quos vesti bulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam
You can control the theme's functionality and customize
This section will introduce you how to use
Visual Composer is a unique plugin, it will
Charles is a creative WordPress theme for saas, software, startup, mobile app, agency, and related
View AllBefore building your site, better take a look
Harum proident? Volutpat sint. Dicta. Eleifend, distinctio placeat
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Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod
We adding here solutions on regarding some common
Quos vestibulum dictum irure recusandae, aliquet, ullam quod
I have been looking for a documentation theme for a long time. In this area, I find Docly the best I have found so far. It has a great range of functions and an attractive design.
Docly is a unique Theme with lots of very useful features. We've been looking for a solution to put our product documentation for so long and finally found Docly. Love the design as well as the functionality. I can say it's a must-have for most Envato authors.
Regarding the documentation of the theme, however, I am also of the opinion that there is still some potential for improvement. The installation was easy, with the customization.
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